Collect BEAR NFTs on the metaverse
3000 confused bears who have somehow made their way into the metaverse. Only on Polygon.
Mint a BEAR

An NFT, also known as Non-Fungible Token, is a one-of-a-kind digital token stored on a digital ledger/blockchain. The ther "Non-Fungible" signifies something not interchangeable with another good due to its distinct properties.
The Bear collection is made up of 3000 NFTs, each NFT has different characteristics that make each of them totally unique. Depending on the different characteristics that an nft obtains, it will have a different level of rarity. For example, only 30 nfts will have the paladin helmet, giving them a mythic rarity.
Each rarity gives you a different weight in the project. How to participate in project decisions, or airdrops of our token.

Frequently asked questions
What is Bear?
Bear is a project within the polygon blockchain. Based on a metaverse of bears where you can interact with your nfts within the project.
When can i buy a bear?
The NFTs release date is January 23 at 19:00 UTC. Follow our official channels to find out the latest news.
What wallet can i use?
All wallets in the polygon ecosystem are compatible with our project. Our recommendation is Phantom Wallet.
What is the price of nft?
The initial price will be 0.35 Sol for the first 500 nfts. The rest will cost 0.6 Sol.
Where can I sell my nft?
You can sell and buy at Opensea. Bear will not be responsible for exchanges for other marketplaces.